PDF Sorting & Merging

Additional/Technical Service - $25/hr

PDF Sorting and Merging Services:

We sort the jumbled medical records according to your preferences. We specialise in classifying medical records by date of occurrence, provider, and service type. We may also sort the medical records to your specifications.

  • The records are paginated, and a PDF file with a complete index is created.
  • Records that are duplicated will be removed.
  • Quick turnaround
  • The cost of 500 pages of medical records is around $25 (1 hour).

Types of PDF Sorting:

  • Provider wise Sorting: The records are arranged alphabetically by provider (i.e., Provider A, Provider B)
  • Chronological Sorting: Regardless of provider, the whole set of medical records is categorized by date.
  • Record wise Sorting: All medical records will be integrated and then organized by record type, such as nursing notes, discharge summaries, wound assessment records, and so forth.